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На сайте с 10.02.05
Сообщения: 49
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июн 17, 2005 23:02     Ответить с цитатой

I'm also joining this club! I just love English! We should have more topics in English, idon't you think so?

I have a question: where would you prefer to live, I mean which country? And why?
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А я еду за туманом
А я еду за туманом

На сайте с 29.04.04
Сообщения: 21616
В дневниках: 46041
Откуда: Новосибирск, Дзержинский
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Сб Июн 18, 2005 10:17     Ответить с цитатой

Panterochka, I like living in Russia. I love Europe, but I still want to live here, and travel there.
I love snow in winter and heat in summer, where else could you find such a mix?
Антон 18.12.04
Артем 19.06.07
Александр 17.06.14

Профессиональные переводы. Английский, немецкий языки.
Экскурсии по Новосибирску.
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На сайте с 20.02.05
Сообщения: 92
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Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Сб Июн 18, 2005 11:00     Ответить с цитатой

Panterochka писал(а):

I have a question: where would you prefer to live, I mean which country? And why?

I agree with Olja - I prefer to live in Russia. May be you will think it's funny, but the most beautiful place I ever saw is the Red Square in Moscow :) - I really like it. However, there are so many opportunities now! I like Nitherlands very much :) and I think Amsterdam is one of the best cities in the world. It is very old and stable, and at the same time there is a lot of water around you and all this water flows and flows... Many people, many languages, many flowers... I really felt free when I was there. You easily can (and which modal verb is correct here??? can? could?) get lost there, but it is not terribly and anyway you are quiet and
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Модная мамочка
Модная мамочка

На сайте с 21.04.04
Сообщения: 8904
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Откуда: Estonia
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Сб Июн 18, 2005 12:50     Ответить с цитатой

And I like to live in Russia. It's my motherland, and it is really important for me. I want to bring up my son in Russia, with its customs, language, philosophy etc.
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На сайте с 11.06.04
Сообщения: 6462
В дневниках: 1118
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Вс Июн 19, 2005 3:23     Ответить с цитатой

Hey there...
wow! at last i found a place where i can type the messages directly...it takes ages before i can post a reply, going through the TRANSLIT converter is annoying but there is not much i can do about it...i cannot type cyrillic:(

love English...I learned it at school and then studied business in a canadian uni (its brunch here in Lithuania)...then worked in UK and US...but i do prefer home after all :)
will be nice chatting to you here...
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На сайте с 04.09.04
Сообщения: 2421
В дневниках: 4
Откуда: новосибирск, Ленинский район
Карта № 900099
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Июн 20, 2005 12:15     Ответить с цитатой

Thank ou for your positive raction (i mean books). I have some grammer books, Bonk and something else. Женни I'll take plays by b.shaw with pleasure. But i think we'll have some troubles because we live in different district of our city.
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На сайте с 10.12.04
Сообщения: 23690
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Откуда: Н.Е.
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Июн 20, 2005 12:58     Ответить с цитатой

that's not a big problem, my husband works near Lenin square, you may meet him and take the book.
Индивидуальные консультации по маркетингу и продвижению. Запись по кнопке WWW
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На сайте с 10.02.05
Сообщения: 49
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Вт Июн 21, 2005 11:43     Ответить с цитатой

То those people who talk about the place to live - it's realle great when you love the country where you live. It's great that you choose to stay where you are now, you don't have to think about going to somewhere else, settling there, loosing old friends, about adaptation to a new culture, etc. Unfortunately, many people can't say the same thing about the place where they live. Mostly due toeconomic situation, I think. I would like to hear their opinion, too.

it's really nice that we can chat in English here, but it's not convinient that we talk on different subject in one topic. Guys, what do you think, maybe we should have an opportunity to create different topics in English (and other languages). I'll give this idea to admins.
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Ozzy * (Гость)

Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Вт Июн 21, 2005 12:24     Ответить с цитатой

Panterochka писал(а):
То those people who talk about the place to live - it's realle great when you love the country where you live. It's great that you choose to stay where you are now, you don't have to think about going to somewhere else, settling there, loosing old friends, about adaptation to a new culture, etc. Unfortunately, many people can't say the same thing about the place where they live. Mostly due toeconomic situation, I think. I would like to hear their opinion, too.

O - I don't think that I will never live in another country - who knows? I don't want to move anywhere just for now :). I think this is not bad idea to live somewhere else for some period of time - it's very interesting actually if you have such opportunities (even if your economical situation is not bad in your country). But there are so many difficulties when you have small children! I don't think this could be good idea for me now. Also, I definitelly don't want to spend ALL my life in foreign place - here is my home and I like it.
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Викинг Рыжая Борода
бойкий папа
бойкий папа

На сайте с 26.01.05
Сообщения: 431
Откуда: Велика страна моя родная, много в ней лесов, полей и рек...
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июн 22, 2005 10:32     Ответить с цитатой

Женни писал(а):
that's not a big problem, my husband works near Lenin square, you may meet him and take the book.

It`s not a problem. I work at the service centre № 1 of "SibiriaTelekom" on the Lenin street, 5. My working time is from 8 a. m. till 6 p. m., but sometimes you can meet me here later. My weekend is saturday and sunday. Marfa, you may call me or Jenny, if you are really intrerested for our books.
Когда заканчивается терпение, начинается выдержка.

Раненых не бросаем, пленных не берём!
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На сайте с 11.06.04
Сообщения: 6462
В дневниках: 1118
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июн 22, 2005 22:13     Ответить с цитатой

How can you say that you would not want to live anywhere else if you have not visited that many countries to be able to objectively judge about your place? and to say that for sure you not only have to visit other countries as a tourist but actually live there for sometime...
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А я еду за туманом
А я еду за туманом

На сайте с 29.04.04
Сообщения: 21616
В дневниках: 46041
Откуда: Новосибирск, Дзержинский
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июн 23, 2005 9:15     Ответить с цитатой

Rita, I agree with you. I can't say I'll never leave Russia. I have something to loose here, but there are so many different places I have still not visited. I've lived in Germany for one year and I liked it there. The problem is that I couldn't stay there at that moment, and all my friends are here in Russia, but well, maybe I'll change my mind.

Anyway, I'm going to travel to a lot more countries, maybe when my baby is a little older 8-)
Антон 18.12.04
Артем 19.06.07
Александр 17.06.14

Профессиональные переводы. Английский, немецкий языки.
Экскурсии по Новосибирску.
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На сайте с 11.06.04
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Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Июн 27, 2005 22:58     Ответить с цитатой

Olja...:) I agree that there is always something or someone you le leave behind when you move to another country and naturally you miss it...but you also get used to a new place and if you live there a bit longer and have an opportunity to visit your home pretty often, then i think it will be easier...when i lived in UK i liked it a lot and i see myself living there but for now i have to stay in lithuania...which is not bad at all
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На сайте с 10.02.05
Сообщения: 49
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 08, 2005 0:14     Ответить с цитатой

Rita писал(а):
How can you say that you would not want to live anywhere else if you have not visited that many countries to be able to objectively judge about your place? and to say that for sure you not only have to visit other countries as a tourist but actually live there for sometime...

Rita, one doesn't necessarily have to live or visit other countries to understand that they want' to live only in one place. Some people compare places and then choose, but others feel comfortable where they are now, so why not? You cannot expect all people to travel before deciding to settle in their own homeland, can you? This is not a matter of comparison for everyone. Also, many people travel and temporarily live abroad, but do not want to move from theri own places forever. My question didn't concern temporary stay. Of course, we all have ouw own opinion.
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На сайте с 11.06.04
Сообщения: 6462
В дневниках: 1118
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 08, 2005 4:01     Ответить с цитатой

Who would reject living in a house on the coast of the Mediterrenian sea? or an ocean? :) everyone has his own dream place...
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