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На сайте с 05.06.06
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Откуда: Академгородок, ВЗ
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Окт 03, 2008 8:12     Ответить с цитатой

Excuse me for :off:
I need textbook http://forum.sibmama.ru/viewtopic.php?p=2990068#2990068
Help my, please.

Женщина, воспитавшая двойняшек, может командовать армией. (Мария Арбатова)
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На сайте с 18.07.08
Сообщения: 3851
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Откуда: Новосибирск, Центр
Карта № 003553
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Окт 06, 2008 23:19     Ответить с цитатой

You can find Bonk in every book shop. For sure you can get one in Top Kniga. :-)
It's so quiet in this topic. I thought there are many English teachers here, also people who know and love English can join this topic. Hello? where are you guys???? Let's speak English!!!
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Арбитр 2009
Арбитр 2009

На сайте с 14.12.05
Сообщения: 5079
В дневниках: 2155
Откуда: Новосибирск, Заельцовский
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 15, 2008 11:55     Ответить с цитатой

I'm not an English teacher :-) , but I'll join to you with pleasure :-)
My question
What is your favourite book and author?

My favourite author (not only in English) is Jane Austen. I really love her books. In fact, I even thought to take a nickname from them.

And my question:
If you have a house of your dream, what would it like? And where?
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На сайте с 12.06.08
Сообщения: 7039
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Откуда: Нск
Карта № 777000
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 15, 2008 16:33     Ответить с цитатой

My name is Kate and I'm an English teacher. but now i'm not working - i'm nursing our little daughter. I miss my work very much, so this topic is just for me (sometimes I see a nightmare that i come to the lesson and understand that i can't speak english - forgot everything!). hope this dream won't come true ;)

Jane Austen! she is a great writer! I'm reading her book now.

house of my dream... mmm... it would be near the warm sea... with big garden (trees, flowers and no carrots or potatoes!!! :))... big enough for my family and friends... maybe made from wood...

Q: What is your dream?
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Арбитр 2009
Арбитр 2009

На сайте с 14.12.05
Сообщения: 5079
В дневниках: 2155
Откуда: Новосибирск, Заельцовский
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Окт 15, 2008 17:28     Ответить с цитатой

hi! :)
I'm reading her book now

May I ask, what book is it?

My dream... besides such great (and not very real, I'm afraid) dreams as no suffer for everybody, I dream exactly about wonderful home - a cottage, large enough for my big (in future :)) family, with garden (no potatoes :tiptop: ) and good library.

If you live in medieval England, you would be...?
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На сайте с 12.06.08
Сообщения: 7039
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Откуда: Нск
Карта № 777000
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Окт 17, 2008 16:55     Ответить с цитатой

Glenna, I'm reading Pride & Prejudice, one of her greatest books. but i'm going to read the others too.

If i lived in medieval England, I would be... mmm... don't know... honestly! well, I'd like to be Queen ;)

lived - the situation is imaginary, so we have to use past simple after if
(I hope it's ok that i tell this, i just think it's useful advice for those who want to make english better)
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На сайте с 20.07.08
Сообщения: 2218
Откуда: Новосибирск
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Ноя 03, 2008 21:03     Ответить с цитатой

hello, everyone! my name's Olga. I've been learning English for 5 years, but last 2 years less intensive, becouse of my little daughter. I'd like to join you and improve my spoken english. A week ago i cut my hair. I used to have long hair all my life. And i'm sorry about it now. :-(
Have ever changed your appearance and regreted about it? :-)
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На сайте с 12.06.08
Сообщения: 7039
В дневниках: 239
Откуда: Нск
Карта № 777000
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Вс Ноя 09, 2008 12:02     Ответить с цитатой

hi, Olga! :)
glad to see you here. I think I've never regreted about changes in my appearance. I am always the best (this is my slogan) ;)
why did you cut your hair? don't be sorry, it'll grow again!
how old is your daughter? what's her name?

Гленна! where have you got lost??

Последний раз редактировалось: Imber (Сб Ноя 22, 2008 21:44), всего редактировалось 1 раз
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На сайте с 20.07.08
Сообщения: 2218
Откуда: Новосибирск
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пн Ноя 10, 2008 0:18     Ответить с цитатой

Hi, Imbra!
My daughter's name is Masha. She is 1 years and 1 month old. I used to wear long fair hair before pregnancy. My natural hair colour is brown. During pregnancy I wasn't dying my hair. I had half of head with dark hair and fair ponytail. It wasn't attractive. and I decided to cut it. But now I regret it becouse i look older. Perhaps I became older :D
Well, sometimes I've got to change my image.
How often do your change your image? what style of clothes do you prefer? How did your style change after your baby's birth? ( Correct me, please, if I've made mistakes :oops: )
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На сайте с 12.06.08
Сообщения: 7039
В дневниках: 239
Откуда: Нск
Карта № 777000
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Сб Ноя 22, 2008 22:00     Ответить с цитатой

Alepu писал(а):
Hi, Imber!
My daughter's name is Masha. She is 1 year and 1 month old. I used to wear long fair hair before pregnancy. My natural hair colour is brown. During pregnancy I wasn't dying my hair. I had half of head with dark hair and fair ponytail. It wasn't attractive. and I decided to cut it. But now I regret it because i look older. Perhaps I became older :D

your mistakes are in bold ;) your English is very good :ok:
now answering. I used to change my image regularly before I met my husband. I was blond, red and even black. but then I decided to return to my natural colour - fair brown and I've had it for 2 years already. I prefer comfortable clothes, usually I wear jeans and something (blouse/sweater/...) after my daughter's birth I can't wear my old jeans :-( so I wear trousers that I used during the pregnancy. and I have only one shirt in which I can feed the baby. that's why my appearance isn't very different theese days :aga-aga:

Q: Where did you study? What's your job?
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На сайте с 03.09.08
Сообщения: 5119
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Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Чт Ноя 27, 2008 15:36     Ответить с цитатой

Hello girls!
My name is Yana, I am not an english teacher, but I will be so happy to speak with you here! Is it possible? :-)

I have been learning english in the university( Siberian state transport university) for 5 years,before that I was learning it in the english school "Ya" . Unfortunelly I didn't practise language for a one year that's why there are many mistakes in my speach now.

1,5 months ago I changed the place of my life and moved in Moscow. I am going to start learning Englisg again next week. I have already chosen a school, it will be EF school.

Pride & Prejudice is my favourite book!! :give_heart: Did you see the film Pride & Prejudice with Kira Naitli? :-)

Добавлено спустя 1 день 21 час 22 минуты 57 секунд:

Hey!!Is anybody here?!!! :run:
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На сайте с 29.01.06
Сообщения: 7629
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Откуда: Москва
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Вт Дек 23, 2008 22:40     Ответить с цитатой

Hi, there!
Баунти писал(а):
. 1,5 months ago I changed the place of my life and moved in Moscow. I am going to start learning Englisg again next week. I have already chosen a school, it will be EF school.

I moved to Moscow two weeks ago ;)
So how do you like "English First"? And how do you like it here in Moscow?
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На сайте с 03.09.08
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Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Ср Дек 24, 2008 20:25     Ответить с цитатой

Hi ,Olive !:snegurochka: nice to meet you :-) and what is your name? :-)

This Saturday it will be my 4th English lesson .I like EF School very much :give_heart: I've chosen their school in Mayakovskaya. I study once a week on Saturdays(because all week a work until 7 p.m.), my lessons start at 11 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m.

I miss home very much :-(

Do you have husband and children?why you decideed to change a place of living and move to Moscow? :-) (of course if it is not a secret :oops: )
How are you going to spend New Year and Christmas? :prig_skok: :elka:
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На сайте с 29.01.06
Сообщения: 7629
В дневниках: 11504
Откуда: Москва
Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Чт Дек 25, 2008 20:00     Ответить с цитатой

Баунти писал(а):
Hi ,Olive !:snegurochka: nice to meet you :-) and what is your name? :-)

likewise :D
my name's Olga.
my lessons start at 11 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m.

aren't you tired to stay in the classroom four straight hours?

I miss home very much :-(

so do I. :aga-aga:
Do you have husband and children?why you decideed to change a place of living and move to Moscow? :-) (of course if it is not a secret :oops: )

I'm married and we have a daughter, she's 2. my husband decided to move to Moscow. I tried to talk him out of it, all in vain.that's why we're here.
How are you going to spend New Year and Christmas? :prig_skok: :elka:

I guess we'll just stay home, a couple of friends are going to come over. if the weather's nice we'll go for a walk. I'm not sure, haven't thought that through yet.
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На сайте с 03.09.08
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Добавить в ЗакладкиСообщениеДобавлено: Пт Дек 26, 2008 15:12     Ответить с цитатой


No, I am not tired at all..lessons are very interesting, we speak a lot ( of course in English), discuss diffrent topics..moreover we have a 10 minute break :-)

where did you study English in Novosibirsk? :-)
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